Things aren't always what they seem!
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Hey, friends!

This week I found myself feeling a little frustrated about 2 things, and as I pondered that, I realized it's only due to a failure to communicate.  As True Texas Project gets bigger, communication is harder.  It's no longer an intimate group of friends (though we try hard to maintain that dynamic with social events and conversation) so the heart of who we are and what we do is sometimes lost.


A party on the lawn back when we were much smaller!

So what caused my frustration? 

First, a misconception about TTP finances

It used to be that we had one meeting a month; I knew everyone there; and at that meeting if we had a financial need, I would just make an announcement and tell what it is.  The need was always met.  We've always been very open about financial matters.  For example, I'd say, "Hey, we need a projector."  And suddenly I had two people ready to donate projectors and others offer to buy one.  God is faithful, and you guys are faithful.  Such a blessing!

But this week 3 different times I was approached with a much different attitude.  Three times someone came to me wanting True Texas Project to purchase something "extra" with the full assumption that we can just wave a magic wand and provide every desire. 


If only!  I think there's a misconception that because True Texas is so popular we must have a ton of money. Or maybe folks are listening to those on the Left who say we are funded by never-ending West Texas oil money (as if that would be a bad thing? But that's another story...). 


Oil, that is... black gold...Texas tea...

The truth is TTP is funded by grassroots donors. Every penny we spend, we work hard to raise. (Honestly, it's a little annoying how much time Fran and I have to spend raising money on top of all the volunteer efforts we put in, but again, that's another story!)
We are dependent on your generosity. If you want TTP to exist, you have to financially support it. If we do not raise the needed funds, we will close. Is the cost worth it? Only you can decide. 
But wait!!! This isn't a lecture!  We try to make it FUN to donate. We've got a huge party planned with fireworks, live music, nationally-recognized speakers, a comedian, cannons to shoot off, great food, and time spent with the best people on the planet. Plus we're offering 4 free classes during the same weekend and discounted hotel tickets. It's well worth the $125 ticket price...  and on top of all that, it supports True Texas Project
We are very frugal in our spending, and we never take anything for granted.  Feel free to send in a donation if that's what you prefer, but it's way better to just come to the PARTYVIP tickets are now sold out, but there are still general admission seats left.  And if you REALLY want a VIP ticket, you can get them by being an event sponsor.  Details are on the website.
We're just one-month out!  Book your tickets now!


Ok, let's move on...

The 2nd misconception is that you don't need to participate. 

"Hey, I vote!" 
"I donate!"
"That's enough, right?

Well, it's doing more than most; I'll give you that!  Even so, we want to see your face!  The friendships and interactions are what make TTP the best place on the planet.  If you're not there, we miss you! 


Fred McCarty with Chris Dillard, loved and missed, may he rest in peace

But it's more than that.  I think people are not aware of the immense amount of work and expense it takes to bring in speakers, schedule venues, advertise, travel, coordinate volunteers, etc, all across the state. And when you put in that much work only to hear things like,

"Oh, I was gonna go, but I had a long day."
"I can't drive 20 minutes! It's just too far!"
"It's too hot/cold/rainy/sunny/early/late/fill-in-the-blank."

...well, it really takes the wind out of your sails.

True Texas Project is a team effort.  We are a group of like-minded activists.  We need you in every way you can give.


So... there you have it.  Two misconceptions put to rest.  We will be very happy to see all of you at Texas Tough AND at your next local meeting!

Counting it all joy...
Julie McCarty
Volunteer CEO

PS.  For those who missed the March meeting announcements, please watch them!



 Click here to donate to our cause.      

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