The NRA is promoting a "shoot first, ask questions later" culture that is killing innocent people. If you agree that we need to fight this dangerous rhetoric, will you please consider a contribution today?

Think of Botham Jean, who was fatally shot by his neighbor after being mistaken him for an intruder in his own home. Think of Christopher Bergan, who last month was unintentionally shot and killed by his father-in-law when he surprised him at his door for his birthday. Think of the 8 kids every single day who are intentionally shot or injured by the loaded and unlocked guns in their homes.

Through policy work, educational programs, and grassroots advocacy, we’re doing everything we can to fight against the NRA and its dangerous narratives. But the NRA has the power — and funds — of gun manufacturers behind it. Please, if you can, support our work now. There’s too much at stake.

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That tweet is unconscionable. With shooting after shooting making headlines this past week, that kind of rhetoric is everything that's wrong with our country right now. We need to shut it down.


In solidarity,




840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States
Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. Donations to the Brady Campaign are not tax-deductible. We do rely heavily on grassroots donors like you to fund our work to create a safer America. You can click here to donate.


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