From Max Cotterill <[email protected]>
Subject Creativity
Date March 24, 2022 10:54 PM
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[1]NNU - Medicare for All!

We’re just one week away from the submission deadline for our CVS Art
Contest, and there’s still time to create and submit your own visual art

[ [link removed] ]Will you join our CVS Art Contest and use your artistic talents to
advance health care justice and hold CVS accountable? You can find all the
details here.

[ [link removed] ]Learn more »

For inspiration, you can find an example from a similar campaign at the
bottom of this email.

We’re thrilled to invite you — and any talented visual artists you know —
to submit your visual art creations to our CVS Art Contest.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

* Visual art that speaks to the message of our campaign: that CVS
immediately cut ties with the Partnership for America’s Healthcare
Future and stop undermining Medicare for All efforts.
* The work should utilize the CVS logo, slogan, or other branding —
reframing it in a way that gets your message across.
* It should be suitable for a postcard or poster.

Your work has the opportunity to make a major impact in our campaign to
hold CVS accountable — selected pieces will be utilized on printable cards
and posters, while also being featured on social media. Additionally, four
winners will each receive a $500 prize, with our grand prize winner
receiving $1,000.

[ [link removed] ]If you’re excited to use your artistic talents to hold CVS accountable
for their profit-driven actions, we’d be honored to have your
participation in our CVS Art Contest. You can find all the details on our
submission form here — the deadline is just a week away on April 1, 2022.
(And if you have artistic friends or family that might like to
participate, please send this form their way!)

Looking forward to seeing your work.

In solidarity,

Max Cotterill
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All

P.S. Take a look at this example from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation,
where they take CVS’ logo and reframe it to underscore their own message.
[ [link removed] ]We can’t wait to see your take on subvertising — you can join our CVS
Art Contest here.

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

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