Lieutenant Governor Squanders $13.6 Million on Burgers and Steaks

OKLAHOMA CITY—MARCH 23, 2022 – That’s a lot of beef and BBQ sauce down the drain on taxpayers’ dime. In 2020, the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, under Lieutenant Governor Pinnell’s direction, contracted with Swadley’s Foggy Bottom Kitchen to “save” a run-down dying state park restaurant industry at a failing cost of $13.6 million. Pinnell was aware in advance that this endeavor was a risky investment knowing few companies would want to take over the state park restaurant project. Oklahoma taxpayers footed the initial costs for renovations and $1 million in operating losses.
“When four out of five companies bow out of bidding on a contract, that should be a red flag that an already bleeding project is a dead-end waste of taxpayers’ dollars. If Pinnell and the Tourism Department knew that only one company was interested in bidding after the others learned of the problematic venture, why wasn’t the project scrapped or bids extended? Jumping on the one single bid without more input and proper investigation of expenses before giving to the single bidder has squandered $13.6 million with nothing to show for it,” commented Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Read more...

Stitt Forced People to Apply for “Return to Work” Incentive and didn’t Pay

OKLAHOMA CITY—MARCH 21, 2022 – Less than 10% of those who applied for Stitt’s “Return to Work” incentive last year received payment. At a dangerous time in our Nation with continued concerns over COVID in the workplace and limited resources, working families were forced to choose between returning to work in a potentially unsafe work environment and losing their income altogether. This choice was made harder by limited daycare for their children because so many daycare centers were closed due to COVID.
“When Stitt ended the expanded Federal weekly unemployment checks early and coerced workers back into the office, Oklahoma already had a low unemployment rate, one of the lowest in the Nation. Stitt’s only reason for forcing people off of the Federal unemployment was to raise his public image at the expense of Oklahoma families. Once again, Stitt demonstrated who he cares more about — himself, over the people he swore to represent and protect,” stated Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Read more...

Matt Who?

OKLAHOMA CITY—MARCH 21, 2022 – Who is Oklahoma’s Lt. Governor? That would be Matt Pinnell, but it’s no surprise that no one knows who he is, considering he’s been hiding his entire time in office. What has Pinnell been doing during his term?
“When Pinnell ran for Lieutenant Governor, he made the same old campaign promise to ‘make Oklahoma a top 10 state.’ But what has he actually done to accomplish this, and where has he been? Oklahoma falls at the bottom of every ranking study, and he has not demonstrated any significant contributions to move this state to a top 10 ranking,” stated Alicia Andrews, Chair of the Oklahoma Democratic Party. Read more...

Fragile Republican Egos Interfere with Lawmaking

OKLAHOMA CITY—MARCH 16, 2022 – Evidently, many Oklahoma Republican lawmakers are bowing down to Trumpism to please Stitt. The anti-expert movement has infiltrated the Oklahoma Republican Party by stripping away measures that protect Oklahomans from cronyism and jeopardizing the public health of all Oklahomans.
“This bill has only one thing in mind, to give Stitt complete authority to appoint one of his own cronies as soon as he can sign it into law. Senate bill 709 attempts to remove the State Board of Health as overseer of the Health Commissioner and assign that role to the governor. Additionally, SB709 gives the governor power over the Health Commissioner if the governor doesn’t like a commissioner’s decision,” stated Alicia Andrews, Oklahoma Democratic Party Chair. Read more...
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Republicans are attempting to corrupt our School Boards all across the country with extremists attempting to ban books, censor teachers, and DEFUND public education. In response, Oklahoma Democrats are coming together Tuesday, April 4th to turn out Democratic voters in key districts across the state. We will conduct a quick ten-minute training and then make calls to Democrats to remind them to VOTE!

For a lmited time all ODP merchandise in our store is on sale at cost. Order your Oklahoma Democratic Party swag today!


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Please join Scott and special guest Krista Jones, Edmond Democratic Women President, on The Hamilton Report next Monday at 6:30 PM CT. Watch at okdemocrats.org/youtube & facebook.com/okdemocrats