![]() Patriot, The statists are marching forward with plans to create a new “digital dollar” that would give the federal government total control over your money. But there is legislation to stop them and prohibit the Fed from issuing a “digital dollar” counterfeit cryptocurrency, H.R. 6415. You and I need to demand our U.S. Representatives put themselves on record in support of this bill by cosponsoring – and then passing – the bill. If you have already signed your Campaign for Liberty Directive to demand your congressman cosponsor H.R. 6415 and support its passage, thank you. Now you and I must amp up the pressure. So please make your voice heard with a phone call to your congressman’s office now! You can call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121 and they will connect you to your congressman’s office. If you are sent to voice mail here’s a simple script you can say: “Hello, this is [your name], from [your city—this identifies you as a constituent] and I’m calling to ask why my representative has not yet cosponsored H.R. 6415, which would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a new central bank digital currency. “The Biden Administration has directed the Federal Reserve to pursue a digital currency, which would threaten the financial freedom, privacy, and security of all Americans. The dollar is already in danger, and Federal Reserve needs to be reined in, not allowed to foist a new digital currency on the American people. “This is a radical and dangerous proposal, and we need to pass H.R. 6415 to prevent it. “I’d like to know why Congressman [his or her name] has not yet cosponsored H.R. 6415, and if he/she supports it, when he/she plans to do so. Please call me back at [your phone number.]” If you get a live person, you can say that same thing and ask for an immediate reply. You can also look up your congressman’s district office and call them too, where you are more likely to get a live answer. This is a great extra step, because it really gets the staff’s attention when they hear from a real person in the district. And if you haven’t already done so, send an email by simply signing your Campaign for Liberty Directive to demand your congressman cosponsor H.R. 6415 and support its passage! ![]() Whether your representative becomes a cosponsor or fails to do so will be a critical litmus test to tell which lawmakers will defend this fundamental right to financial privacy and which are on the side of the Federal Reserve financial takeover. And please be sure to pass this email along to others you know, so we can melt representatives’ phone lines, deliver thousands of petitions, rack up as many cosponsors as possible, and get the ball rolling on this critical legislation. And if you can, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty, so we can apply as much pressure as possible. The globalists are going all-out to control everything we do. We’ve seen in Canada how the government will use every means possible, including financial control, to attack peaceful protesters. We’ve seen China establish a “digital currency” to further repress and control its own population under the Communist Party. We cannot let that happen here. In 2020, a Washington, D.C. Swamp lobbying front called the “Digital Dollar Project” demanded and got hearings in both houses of Congress. They need to hear from their constituents back home – you! – to know the voters are demanding action in opposition. So please call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121 and they will connect you to your congressman’s office. Demand he or she cosponsor H.R. 6415. And if you haven't yet, sign your petition and get your friends to do the same! For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a major battle, and it’s one that we can win if we can build the momentum by achieving a growing list of cosponsors. But that will only happen with you making your voice heard. So don’t wait – call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 225-3121 now and they will connect you to your congressman’s office. Demand he or she cosponsor H.R. 6415. Then, take just 30 seconds and sign your petition and get your friends to do the same! And then, if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty financially to help raise awareness and increase the pressure on this issue. Whether you can give $100, $200, even $500 today, or if you can only chip in $25 or even $10, every bit makes the difference. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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