Someone’s value in this world is not defined by their job or their paycheck.

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Hi — it's Nina.

One of the most common questions I get when talking to voters, to reporters, or to anyone else is very simple: "Why am I running for Congress?"

I'll tell you why: It's because I'm ready to fight like hell for the working people of Ohio.

I’m a first-generation college graduate and a former community college professor. You can bet I’ll fight like hell for student debt relief and to make public colleges and universities tuition-free.

I grew up the oldest of 7 children in a working-class family and got my first job at just 14 years old to help pay the bills. You can bet I’ll fight like hell to make the minimum wage a real, living wage.

And I lost my mom at the young age of 42 in large part because she couldn’t afford the medical care she needed throughout her life. You can bet I’ll fight like hell for Medicare for All.

Every time I’m on the doors talking to my neighbors, or even just out and about in Cleveland, I hear similar stories. Hard working people are doing the best they can to get by in a system that was not designed for them to succeed, but they just can’t get ahead.

Someone’s value in this world is not defined by their job or their paycheck. But right now, we have a political system that prioritizes the concerns of the wealthy and well-connected over the needs of the rest of us.

This campaign is grounded in the belief that something different is possible — that together we can do extraordinary things and that our people-power will stand up and do what is right for ourselves and the generations to come.

I’m incredibly proud of that fact, but it means that the only way we’re going to have the resources to win this race is if we stand together and fight to make it happen, so I have to ask:

Can you please make a contribution to our campaign for Congress? We’re up against a big FEC deadline just one week from today, and we’re counting on a surge of support before then to hit our goals and ensure we have what it takes to win.


Thank you for everything.

With these hands,

Nina Turner

Paid for by Nina Turner for Us

Nina Turner for Us
PO Box 91956
Cleveland, OH 44101
United States

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