Sign up now to help with April 3-4 Mobilizing Tour

Volunteer now!

We need all hands on deck as we prepare for the April 3rd - 4th stop in DC of the Poor People's Campaign Mobilizing Tour that will launch our organizing for the transformative events of June 18th in DC and the country. Sign up now to help out next week with texting, canvassing, putting up posters and lawn signs etc and at the events on April 3rd and 4th. Click below for more information and to sign up.


What's Happening on April 3rd and 4th?

Sunday April 3rd

10:00am: Bishop William Barber speaks on The Moral Mandate for a Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers' Assembly at National City Christian Church, 5 Thomas Circle, DC

 5:30pm We Cry Justice reading and discussion with Reverend Liz Theoharis, Culture and Coffee Too, 300 Riggs Rd NE, DC.  (No RSVP needed.)

Monday April 4th

10:00am: Bishop William Barber releases groundbreaking study on the impact of the pandemic on the 140 million poor and low-income people in the United States. National Press Club (512 14th St. NW). Indoor event is private. Press conference will be live-streamed at

11:15am: Rally and Speeches to consecrate the future site of the June 18th Mass Poor People's & Low-Wage Workers Assembly. Freedom Plaza. (14th St and PA Ave, NW)


Forward Together!

DC Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee


PS RSVP now for June 18th and sign up to be a Mobilizing Captain.