John -- we’ll cut right to the chase.
We’re re-opening our Rapid Response Fund, and we need to raise $12,500 to protect Jared. Can you chip in with a donation of any size? >>
Here’s why we’re asking: A dark money group just announced a $7 million negative ad campaign targeting Democrats in swing districts including ours.
We know it seems like you’re constantly hearing about new attacks against Jared. John, that’s because special interests and super PACs remember last year’s razor-thin victory -- and they’re amassing a multi-million dollar warchest to spend to change the outcome in 2020.
While these dark money groups have the backing of DC lobbyists and wealthy corporations, we have something stronger: A people-powered campaign. This team of grassroots supporters took on the Washington insiders last year, and this team of grassroots supporters defeated them.
John, we can’t do it again without you. So, whether it’s $3, $25, or $50, can you please make a donation to help us hit our $12,500 rapid response goal? With this latest attack campaign against Jared going up on TV, every contribution matters. >>
Standing together,
Team Golden