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We make our plans to have impact

Hey Indivisibles,

Ezra here with a shorter-than-usual update (and, to be upfront, an ask for support).

The last few months have been a whirlwind. The fascist invasion of Ukraine, the accelerating attacks on books, kids, and schools waged by aspiring fascists at home, rising inflation and economic uncertainty, Trump’s saber rattling from the sidelines, and, now, bogus GOP attacks on Biden’s first nominee to the Supreme Court. It can be overwhelming.

And here I am leading a national pro-democracy movement organization, which means, in part, asking people for money so I can pay talented organizers, communicators, and policy/political wonks to take on these fights. I have to be honest, there have been times over the last several weeks where it just didn’t feel right to send an email asking for money. And that’s because of Indivisible’s fundraising philosophy that I’m proud to say we’ve kept to since we accepted our first dollar.

Our fundraising philosophy is long (feel free to read it here), but I can boil it down to this: We don’t bullshit you.

What that means is we don’t lie about fake deadlines, or create a false sense of urgency, or hop on the latest newscycle to take money for something we’re not actually working on. We don’t make our strategic plans with an eye toward money -- we make our plans to have impact. We prioritize fundraising from the grassroots, for the grassroots. We prioritize honesty.

So let me throw in some more honesty: We need some money to close a real gap this month. I don’t regret that we chose to step back on our own fundraising as the Ukraine crisis developed -- there were worthy humanitarian operations we fundraised for instead. But it does mean that we’ve been falling behind. I know you get lots of emails that say that -- all I can say is I’m looking at the numbers now, and we have precisely $77,158 more to raise as of today to hit our March budget.

So how do we get this done? To me personally, $77,158 sounds like an impossibly large amount of money (turns out paying for a nationwide pro-democracy team -- Indivisible’s largest expense -- ain’t cheap). But let’s break that down. If just 2% of folks getting this email donated $15, we’d hit our goal today. Can we do that? We can do that! In fact, after writing that sentence, I just went ahead and made my own $15 donation -- honestly I did! This isn’t about me or you -- it’s about all of us doing what we can.

So in my big-time role as Indivisible’s Co-Executive Director, I’m asking you to be part of that “us” today. If you can, throw $15 into the communal pot, and we’ll keep throwing everything we’ve got into safeguarding our community. And if you’re feeling especially flush, you can make that a monthly gift so we can count on your support every month. Click here to make a donation today to fuel our fight for a functioning pluralistic American democracy (or click here to make it monthly!). Or use one of these one-click links:

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This movement is no stranger to tough battles -- we got started immediately after Trump’s election! But if there’s one thing I believe, it’s that when we win, we win because we do it together. I’m proud to fight alongside you every day, and I want to say thanks for your support.

In solidarity,
Ezra Levin
Co-founder, Indivisible

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Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies.

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Indivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not tax-deductible. To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Project, PO Box 43884, Washington, DC 20010.