News from Representative Allred

March 24, 2022

Dear Friend,

I know folks are struggling with rising costs lately and one of the areas I hear about most from North Texans is the high cost of health care and prescription drugs. Since my first day in Congress, I’ve been working to expand access to quality, affordable health care and to lower health care costs across the board. 

I’ve heard from countless North Texans who face tough decisions every day about whether to pay for medication they need or to buy groceries or pay the mortgage. Shane from Garland told me about how she used to ration her insulin and she put it plainly – rationing insulin means death. It never gets easier to hear about the critical decisions our neighbors face, but feedback from North Texans and input from local health care leaders guides my work in Congress. 

I want to hear from you. Do you have coverage through the marketplace? What challenges do you or your loved ones face when it comes to health care or prescription drugs?

Please take my survey and share your health care story.


In Congress, health care has been a top priority of mine. I led the fight to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from a baseless lawsuit and I worked to pass the American Rescue Plan that helped 1.8 million more Texans secure health insurance through the marketplace. I support bipartisan legislation to bring down prescription drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices, capping out of pocket costs at $35 for insulin and expanding Medicaid to cover more Texans. 

Earlier this week, I welcomed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for a roundtable health care discussion at Dallas County Health and Human Services. We were joined by local health care leaders and North Texans who shared their personal health care stories. I encourage you to share your story with me and take my survey to weigh in on our work in Congress to bring down health care costs across the board. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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