I introduced Medicare for All in the House last year. Now Bernie’s introducing M4A in the Senate.
My friend, Senator Bernie Sanders, tweeted some timely words about Medicare for All.

I introduced the House version of Medicare for All, H.R. 1976, last year with more than half of the Democratic caucus as co-sponsors. Bernie re-introducing M4A in the Senate will be a huge moment in our fight for single-payer health care in America.
Will you add your name in support of Medicare for All at this critical moment? Bernie and I are counting on grassroots supporters to step up and show the strength of our movement for guaranteed, high quality health care for all!
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Medicare for All is the popular, necessary, and urgent solution to a broken, for-profit health care system that leaves more than 87 million Americans uninsured or underinsured every year. This bill ensures everyone gets the care they deserve. That’s health care WITH primary care, vision, dental, prescription drugs, mental health, long-term supports and services, reproductive care, and more. It’s health care WITHOUT copays, private insurance premiums, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket costs.
The pandemic has only highlighted our broken, for-profit health system that was already leaving out far too many people and sticking folks with huge bills and a lifetime of medical debt — even as they cut pills in half and make impossible decisions between paying for their rent or their care.
We can no longer allow profits to get in the way of people’s health and well-being in this country. With your help, Bernie and I will continue taking on corporations, Big Pharma, and the status quo as we organize and build up support for Medicare for All in Congress and across this country.
If you’re with me and Bernie in the fight for Medicare for All, please add your name to support guaranteed health care for all. This is an important moment in our fight to ensure health care is a human right. Let’s put people over profits and care over corporations.
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We will prevail in passing single-payer health care legislation in America, but only if we keep our fight going.
In solidarity,