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What's up with MISO?
Did you know that the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) operates the grid in Minnesota and 14 other states? What about the role it can play in decarbonizing our economy? Learn about MISO and submit your questions for the next Decarbonize podcast!
Legislative Update: Mid-session status check 
From electric panels to commercial energy code and beyond, Fresh Energy's team of policy experts are bringing their A-game to the Capitol. Get the scoop on three key Fresh Energy priorities.
A perfect storm for weatherization in Minnesota
In our state, the energy burden is four times higher for under-resourced households than for average households. Learn how weatherization is part of the solution.
All aboard! Accelerating electric buses in Minnesota
With over $800 million in funding for public transportation heading to Minnesota from the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law—not to mention an additional $2.5 billion in competitive grants for electric transit buses—the time to act is now.
New faces at Fresh Energy and ENN
Please join us in welcoming MK Anderson, Fresh Energy's new Senior Policy Associate, Energy Transition, and Eleanore Catolico, Energy News Network's Detroit Energy and Environment Reporting Fellow! 
Have your voice heard!

1. Tell your legislators to build Minnesota's clean energy future! Email your legislators about opportunities in the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
2. Minnesota Power customers can weigh in on the utility's long-range plan and urge the utility to remove plans for a new gas plant.

3. CenterPoint Energy customers can comment on some outdated and untested policies in the utility's current rate case.
Last summer, Fresh Energy and Monarch Joint Venture teamed up to study pollinators on pollinator-friendly solar developments. The results are in! Check out our new report.
Global climate change can feel overwhelming, but there is a lot we can and must do here in Minnesota and the Midwest to put us on the path to a healthy future.
  • CenterPoint Energy's rate case settlement moves toward addressing some key policy concerns. Read more.
  • Inaugural cycle of Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition grants program drives equity, justice, and community power. Read more.
  • Case Study: The pollinator-friendly solar site in Minnesota that manages stormwater. Read more.
  • New Report: Climate, health, cost benefits of advancing vehicle electrification beyond cars. Read more.
  • Pollinator-friendly Zoom backgrounds to celebrate Earth Day. Download here.
This spring | Co-op elections 
Are you a member of an electric co-op? It's election time! Vote and speak up on the future of your utility and its energy system. Look for communications from your co-op.
April 9 & 30 | Recharge Mankato and St. Cloud
Join Fresh Energy staff members at these free, public events where you can check out the latest EVs and more.
May 18 | Get the Buzz
Join Fresh Energy and partners for the details on the new study about pollinators on pollinator-friendly solar sites.
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