Dear John,
Earlier this month, parties to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2) agreed on a mandate to negotiate a legally binding treaty addressing the full life cycle of plastics, from production to disposal. The agreement is being heralded as a historic
win for advocates working to tackle the plastic pollution crisis and is something we’ve been working toward for a long time! Our March webinar was a discussion with advocates who were on the ground at UNEA 5.2—Christopher Chin (COARE), Jane Patton (CIEL), and Neil Tangri (GAIA), moderated by Shilpi Chhotray (People Over Plastic). You can watch the recording here.
We are also excited to announce eight nominees for The Earthshot Prize. This prestigious prize honors projects with simple but ambitious goals for our planet which, if achieved by 2030, will improve life for us all, for generations to come.
Lastly, climate leaders will gather virtually at the 2022 American Climate Leadership Summit (ACLS 2022) March 28–31, 2022. As part of Plastic Pollution Coalition’s network, you have access to unlimited free registrations
for the event! Use the code ACLS22PPC to redeem free registration. Now in its 11th year, ACLS 2022 will ensure that climate leaders of all levels—particularly those who are new and active at the local level—are inspired and empowered with the latest climate information and resources. ACLS22 will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with thousands of like-minded leaders. See you there!
Dianna Cohen Co-Founder & CEO Plastic Pollution Coalition |