Committing to phase out cages was a step in the right direction. Now, it’s time for action.
Over the years, compassionate people like you have pushed giant corporations to adopt policies to improve the well-being of animals. Because of that, cage-free acceptance has gained real, sustainable traction around the globe.
But what happens when a company’s promise rings hollow?
Brands like Red Robin, Sonic, Cracker Barrel, and others vowed to end the cruel confinement of egg-laying hens in their supply chains. But now they've gone silent. While some are failing to share what progress has been made, others are simply not doing enough to phase out these torturous systems.
When we lift our voices, we have the power to break through that silence.
I’ve got questions, and I’m sure you do, too. If these companies are making progress to eliminate cages from their supply chains, why aren’t they being transparent about it? If they aren’t making progress, what’s stopping them?
We're calling for accountability. Without action, the words of their commitments become empty and meaningless. And worst of all, hens will continue to suffer.
Time’s up. Together, let’s demand answers—for the animals.
Kelly Myers
Corporate Campaigns Manager |
P.S. Thank you for lending your voice to speak up for chickens! Our movement for animals has compelled gigantic corporations to take action countless times before, and I know we can do it again.