For Ukraine's refugee children, schools promise a fresh start

Europe's schools scramble to make space for more than 1.5 million children fleeing the war in Ukraine

How can 'sponge cities' use nature to tackle climate-fuelled floods?

A new AI-based study compares cities' trees and lakes to how much concrete they have, to gauge their ability to respond to climate shocks

Tropical forests turn down the planet's heat by 1C, scientists find

Forests should be valued not only for their role in curbing emissions and as a source of carbon credits but also for the direct benefits they offer to communities, researchers say

What will happen to girls' education in Afghanistan under Taliban rule?

Despite promises by the militants to let girls go to school, many Afghans fear girls' opportunities will be severely limited

U.N. to roll out global early-warning systems for extreme weather

One-third of people, mainly in the poorest nations and small island developing states, are still not covered by weather forecasting and other ways of alerting them to threats

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