

40 Days for Life isn’t complicated. All you need to do is show up to pray in front of an abortion facility for an hour.

But that one hour can make a big difference. Former abortion workers report that when somebody is out praying in front of an abortion facility, up to three out of every four women scheduled for an abortion don't show up.

There’s one simple step you can take to push the number of saved lives as high as possible: Reach out and offer help to the abortion clients on their way into the appointments.

On this week's episode of The 40 Days for Life Podcast, we discuss how YOU can confidently and painlessly have The Most Important Conversation in the World with an abortion-bound woman:

Tune in and then consider getting trained in Sidewalk Outreach through 40 Days for Life University by visiting:


40 Days for Life vigils around the world are witnessing saved babies in response to the powerful combination of prayer and Sidewalk Outreach.


Downers Grove, Illinois

Sidewalk counselors in Downers Grove met a young, abortion-bound couple who didn't really want an abortion. However, they weren't sure they had any other options.

The woman's aunt was pressuring her to abort, and her child's father worried they wouldn't have a place to live. The young man agreed that abortion is wrong and even said it shouldn't be legal...but they didn't know what else to do.

As a sidewalk counselor supported and encouraged this couple, they began holding hands and decided to keep their baby.

"The young woman ran into the clinic and canceled her appointment to abort her baby," reported Caron, the Downers Grove campaign leader. "She asked the counselor for her phone number and wanted to stay in touch."


Fayetteville, North Carolina

"Find something better to do!" a motorist screamed at 40 Days for Life participants.

They just smiled in response. "You see, many of us feel called to be there," wrote the local campaign team. "To speak to and pray over these women during their time of need. We are right where we need to be, doing exactly what God called us to do."

God made sure their efforts that day were fruitful. Sidewalk counselors empowered three different moms to choose life!


Tulua, Colombia

Sometimes Sidewalk Outreach conversations take time to come to fruition.

Sidewalk counselors in Tulua gave a woman a brochure, sharing pregnancy help resources as well as the local 40 Days for Life leader's contact information.

An expectant mother who accepted the brochure later called the 40 Days for Life leader, who set her up with an ultrasound appointment and ongoing help from a local pregnancy help organization. As a result, the mother chose life!


But the Lord said, "You have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in the night and perished in the night. And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left, and much livestock? Should I not be concerned about that great city?"

-- Jonah 4:10-11

Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of the most difficult things you could ask of us. Please remind us that this is how you love and that if you ask it of us then you will give us the grace to do it.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn D. Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316