Dear John,

I was featured on 60 Minutes this past Sunday -- did you tune in?


The segment aired following a weekend of multiple mass shootings, emphasizing this country’s overwhelming need for common sense gun legislation. Watch the episode linked below to hear me speak with Scott Pelley about the future of gun violence prevention: the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO)


At the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), we helped develop ERPO in 2013 and, since then, 15 states and the District of Columbia have passed this monumental piece of legislation. These orders empower law enforcement and family members to work with courts to temporarily remove firearms from individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others. These laws have the power to prevent firearm suicide, domestic violence homicide, and instances of interpersonal violence. 


Change is happening. Americans across the country are demanding ERPO laws in their state. They are demanding a world in which gun violence is rare and abnormal. 


In order to make these dreams a reality, we need extreme risk laws enacted in every state and at the federal level  -- but we need your help. 


Donate today to support our work on extreme risk laws! Together, we can save lives. 


Watch the 60 Minutes episode here: Red Flag, Into the Deep, The Youngest Refugees

Thank you, 

Josh Horwitz

Executive Director 

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence


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