
In Case You Missed It! This is such a big story, I wanted to make sure you saw this!

Men Competing In Women's Sports Hurts Women!

Last week, the biological male swimmer from Texas, Lia Thomas (formerly known as Will Thomas), competed in the NCAA women’s swimming competition as a “transgender" athlete and was awarded first place in the Women’s NCAA Division 1 National Championships in Swimming. He decided to identify as a woman and start competing in women’s swimming after previously competing in men’s swimming with very little attention. This comes after months of protests from female swimmers and athletes about the unfairness of Thomas being able to compete in female sports.  This story and event last week is one of the most talked-about events on this issue ever, with notable people expressing outrage nationwide. 

Also last week our friends at Concerned Women for America (CWA) filed a formal Civil Rights Complaint under Title IX with the U.S Department of Education against the University of Pennsylvania for refusing to protect the rights of college female athletes by allowing Thomas to compete against the women.

It’s clear that allowing men to compete in women's sports, women have been robbed of opportunities and awards, as this case makes clear.

When we ignore biological reality, girls and women lose; lose medals, podium spots, public recognition, and opportunities to compete. That’s why we need your help now to put a stop to this issue today and work NOW to pass a statewide law to protect women and fair play in college sports.

This is just the latest reason why Texas Values has been working for years and continues to work on this safety and fairness issue, tirelessly.

Here are the highlights of some of the important work Texas Values has done on these issues: 

In 2021, Texas Values led the efforts in the 87th Regular and Special sessions to pass the Texas Save Women’s Sports Bill, HB 25, authored by Rep. Valoree Swanson that makes sure that middle school and high school athletes compete in the category based on the sex on their birth certificate, so boys cannot compete in girls sports. But as we said then and we say it again now with even more proof, these protections must be expanded to include college sports.

But looking back, Texas Values has a long history of leading and being effective on these issues:

In 2015, Houston voters made their voices heard, against the lesbian Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who passed an ordinance that allows men to enter women's bathrooms. She also tried to silence pastors on this exact issue by attempting to subpoena their sermons and private church communications. Texas Values was involved every step of the way and helped stop this unconstitutional and anti-Christian act and we helped lead the effort to overturn this ordinance and stop it at the ballot box by a vote of 61-39. 

In 2016, Texas Values helped investigate and stop multiple Texas schools from implementing policies that forced girls to have to share bathrooms and locker rooms with boys that may identify as a different gender to be allowed into girls' bathrooms. Even with support from the President at the time, Barack Obama, Texas Values was able to stop this bad policy!

In 2017, Texas Values led the effort to pass the Texas Privacy Act, to stop the government (including schools) from having policies that force girls to share bathroom and locker rooms with boys. 

In the 85th, 86th, and 87th Texas Legislative Sessions, Texas Values has been there to defeat every LGBT-focused "Ban the Bible Bill" that would try and pass a law supporting these clearly unconstitutional and anti-Christian acts! 

Texas Values continues to do work to make sure girls and women are safe in all areas, not just in this circumstance with Lia Thomas! 

Science and common sense tell us that males are generally bigger, faster, and stronger than females. They have larger hearts and lungs, denser bones, and stronger muscles. No amount of hormone therapy can undo all those advantages.

Please continue to support our work today by donating on our secure donation site below. 

Thank you,

Texas Values Team


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2022 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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