Hi there,
Meet Blossom and Minnow, a turkey and dog who became best friends
Need another reason to leave turkey off of your plate this Thanksgiving? Check out this heartwarming video about Blossom and Minnow, a turkey and dog duo who were both rescued from meat farms. It's a beautiful reminder that animals raised for food really are no different than our pets at home.

Find out how you can get involved with THL this Giving Tuesday
It’s almost December 3rd, which means Giving Tuesday is just around the corner! As the holiday season approaches, we're feeling extra grateful for your ongoing support. Thank you for all you've done this year #ForTheAnimals. And there's still so much work to be done to end the abuse of animals raised for food. Can we count on you to be the change through the end of the year, and beyond?
Make sure you’re signed up for our Impact Squad and Fast Action Network (FAN) to ensure you make the biggest impact for the animals!
Get ready for Veganuary in the New Year
Something exciting is coming! The Humane League is partnering with Veganuary this coming January to inspire your friends to go plant-based for the entire month. Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved in Veganuary!
In the meantime, make sure you’re signed up to be a volunteer to stay current on the status of this campaign and to learn how you can get involved.
Changemakers show up for I’m Not Lovin’ It protests this October
This past October our Changemakers accomplished something truly remarkable. From New York City to Los Angeles (and everywhere in between), activists showed up to protest McDonald’s as part of THL’s I’m Not Lovin’ It campaign.
Let’s keep the momentum going! Consider signing our petition to take action against Del Taco.
Thank you for being the change you want to see in the world this holiday season!
For the animals,
The Humane League