Get a load of this, folks --

In the latest attempt to harm our public lands, the Environmental Protection Agency is flat out ignoring science.

According to their new policy, unless scientists give up all raw data -- including confidential medical records -- the EPA will ignore any and every result linking pollution and disease.

Not only is that some backwards, brainwashed thinking -- it’s dangerous.

Montanans need an EPA that works to hold polluters responsible, not one that lets them off the hook.

I’ve stood up time and again to protect our public lands and I won’t back down now. Add your name next to mine and demand the EPA hold polluters responsible.


It’s our duty to preserve our public lands for future generations.

But the Trump administration is filled with climate-denying, anti-environment lobbyists more concerned with pocketing cash than our public lands.

That’s why I need your help to make sure our public lands stay protected from special interests and bogus science.

Sign on now to demand the EPA preserve our public lands from polluters.


Thanks for signing on. Means a lot.
