From VADEMS HQ <[email protected]>
Subject a quiet year?
Date March 23, 2022 7:57 PM
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Folks — 2022 is shaping up to be a pretty quiet year in Virginia politics and we can’t let that happen.

A “quiet year” might sound nice after the last few election cycles, but it spells bad news for Virginia Democrats and here’s why:

Elections in Virginia always come down to turnout. When Democrats vote, we win. But we’ve been seeing an increase in Republican turnout statewide, and with no statewide race to energize our base around, Republicans could capitalize.

Three key Democratic congressional districts in Virginia are all within reach for Republicans looking to take back the majority in Washington. We’re going to have to work twice as hard and organize every corner of the commonwealth if we want to get Democrats to the polls in 2022, and that’s where you come in.

Can you make a contribution to the Democratic Party of Virginia to help us out-work and out-organize the VAGOP to protect our Democrats in Congress?

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2022 will not be a quiet year in Virginia politics if we do the work to organize, educate, and mobilize Democrats across the commonwealth. But, none of that is possible without contributions from strong grassroots supporters like you.

Chip in today to help Virginia Democrats keep up the fight in 2022 and beyond. [[link removed]]


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MAKE A MONTHLY GIFT [[link removed]]

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PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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