The first quarter of the 2022 campaign is almost over and we want to finish this quarter strong. Donate $12 now to help us meet our goal.

We are in for a tough fight this election. Congressional Republicans only need to flip five seats to take over the House of Representatives. The situation in the Senate is even closer: Congressional Republicans only need one additional seat to control the Senate.

If they do manage to flip Congress, Republicans will spend the next two years revisiting their same obstructionist playbook. They will block nominations and legislation. And they will potentially even roll back the progress we have made over these past two years.

We cannot allow the Republicans to flip Congress. Chip in now to help us fight back the Republican takeover.

Instead, we are counting on grassroots supporters like you to carry us across the finish line. Contribute $12 today to join our grassroots efforts to keep Congress in Democrat's hands.

See you on the campaign trail,


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$5 $15 $25 $50