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NCRC’s Just Economy Conference is the premier national conference for economic and social justice. 

Don’t take it from us! Read it for yourself from past attendees: 
  • "It’s a great opportunity to learn the fundamentals and strategies that will take your business to the next level. There are resources available through this conference that aren’t available elsewhere easily," Robert Lewis, President and Board Chair, Black Cooperative Investment Fund (BCIF).
  • "The conference is a great opportunity to learn from experts, other communities and organizations similar to yours, who are facing similar issues. These valuable opportunities will get you started," Irma Yepez, Program Officer, Zilber Family Foundation.
  • "It has a diversity of topics and points of view - high-level discussions and panelists - and a good balance of strategy and policy at a high level and more practical operational issues," Christopher Linder, Loan Officer, Cooperative Fund of New England.
  • "You'll learn about developments in housing, lending, and finance around the country.  You'll also hear from national, state and local leaders and innovators, and add them to your network," Deborah Norman, Outreach Coordinator, United South Broadway Corporation.
Register now to join us in Washington, DC, June 13-14. The conference is open to all, but make sure to join NCRC membership for discounted conference tickets! 
Register Now
For more details about the event and in-person safety precautions, visit our website here. Available lodging can be reserved here as well. 

We can’t wait to see you,
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Watch NCRC's 101 Membership Benefits webinar. 
Join us on March 24 at 1pm EDT for a CRA Basics webinar. Learn more about CRA and how to increase reinvestment in your communities. 
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