Tell the Biden Adminstration: NO Bomb Trains!

Tell TCEQ to deny Max Midstream’s permit

Dear John,

Liquified natural gas (LNG) bomb trains were given a greenlight to roll through cities and towns across our country by a 2019 Trump executive order. This is incredibly dangerous, as a train derailment would allow this liquid to become highly explosive gas — the LNG from just one rail tank car alone could cause city-wide destruction and mass casualties. Twenty-two tank cars filled with LNG holds the equivalent energy of the Hiroshima bomb.

Sign the petition to permanently ban bomb trains!

There is no safe way to transport liquified natural gas. But bomb trains are one of the worst ways. 

As a result of the executive order, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued a special permit to transport LNG from Wyalusing, Pennsylvania to an export terminal in Gibbstown, New Jersey. But after two years with no use, the permit expired. PHMSA is currently deciding how to handle the application.

Pennsylvanians have been lobbying PHMSA and the Biden administration to permanently ban LNG bomb trains and protect their communities from large-scale explosions and disaster. 

Sign the petition now to call for a permanent ban on transporting LNG by rail!

Fossil fuel companies are more eager than ever to develop export infrastructure. It’s crucial we send a strong message to PHMSA and the Biden administration that communities in Pennsylvania and across the U.S. don’t want bomb trains in our communities. 

In Solidarity,


Anaïs Peterson, Earthworks

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