Occasional Newsletter
March 2022.
Black-Tie Dinner
We are pleased to announce that with the demise of the Covid regulations our Annual Dinner will again be held, on May 21st. The Guest-of-honour is 31 year-old Jaak Madison, M.E.P., the deputy chairman of the Conservative People's Party of Estonia. Doubtless he will in part offer his insights on the current Russo-Ukraine crisis, given the proximity of his country. Bookings for dinner may be made via the TBG website.
This year’s Annual Conference will take place on Saturday October 8th. Please make a note of this in your diaries. We hope to see you!
General Newsletter
Russo-Ukraine conflict
The TBG are completely opposed to any involvement whatsoever in eastern European affairs and the eternal squabbles there. We see no reason to take sides. Everything there has a historical context which 99% of western Europeans know nothing about. We oppose the sanctions the UK government, who is not at war with Russia and maintains full diplomatic relations with them; we oppose OFCOM’s action in revoking RT’s broadcasting license thus denying freedom of the press/media to present an alternative to the biased western narratives. These are the very actions of a totalitarian government, which the UK government claims to oppose. Aggravating a nuclear power to the extent that our government is doing makes the United Kingdom a potential target in any future war. This is something no-one should ignore. Britain is no longer a world power.
The Alien Colonisation
The government has continued to demonstrate clearly that they will continue to take asylum-seekers and ‘refugees’ on an increasingly threadbare basis into our hopelessly overcrowded and unwillingly diversified country. Small boats of illegal aliens continue to cross the Channel daily with the open support of the laughably named ‘Border Force’ and RNLI. For instance, by March 20th over 2,200 illegals had come ashore in Kent. The foreign-origin Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has just today stated: “'We' want Ukrainian refugees to thrive here, just like the people ‘we’ [the government] have welcomed from Syria, Hong Kong and Afghanistan. They will have access to public services, from the [free] NHS and specialist mental health services [important], to education and benefits.” So there you have it. The government is inviting millions of aliens into our country, without consulting us, the indigenous people, and offering them everything of ours which we have worked for in the past century. If that is not treachery on a mighty scale, what is?
Lastly, continuing reports state that thousands of Africans and Asians are now flooding through the Ukraine, despite the conflict there, heading for the European Union (as a first stop) and telling border posts they were in Ukraine as “students”, despite the fact that they cannot speak or write the language or produce any evidence.
On our three main Facebook pages, which attract over 3 million followers each month, we continually update the public on all things relating to the invasion of our country which is virtually ignored or downplayed by the left-liberal mainstream media.
The Fall of Law and Order
Please see our main Facebook pages for the endless reports on the escalating public crises. (Links are at the bottom.)
Free speech: We were pleased that one of our Vice-Presidents, Gregory Lauder-Frost, at our 2021 Conference, outlined the rafts of legislation commencing with the 1960s Race Relations Acts designed to silence all comment, criticism etc., of aliens in the UK. With the exception of the Public Order Act, all the legislation was passed by Labour (and the SNP). The fake Conservative Party has failed to repeal these Stalinist pieces of legislation aimed primarily at the indigenous population of our sacred island taking away our freedom of thought, expression, and speech. People continue to be prosecuted regularly regardless of Article 19 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, which states:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
The UK Government is a signatory to this declaration. Three TBG Committee members have written to their Members of Parliament on this subject and received insulting replies. Yet these people claim to be “representing” us all.
This link demonstrates that the police are aiming at Caucasians:
King Arthur
Archaeologists have discovered what are likely to be the long-lost tombs of up to 65 English Kings and other senior royals from the era associated with the legend of King Arthur. The discovery is a major breakthrough in archaeologists’ and historians’ understanding of the nature of Dark Age society. As investigations continue, it may also shed crucial new light on the currently often poorly understood political geography of post-Roman Britain.
The TBG are following the various arguments on this subject, not least because of the current energy crisis. This article may help you formulate an opinion:
Last year we highlighted the report and interview with the co-founder of Wikipedia, Larry Sanger, who stated categorically that “no-one should trust Wikipedia” adding that the fake encyclopaedia has been taken over by Left-wing “volunteers” who delete sources and edits which don’t concur with their agendas. Their page on the TBG is a classic example, where all the sources are from the Far Left. We should be thankful that UK academia generally refuses to accept Wikipedia as a credible source.
We continue to protest about the advertising the UK is subjected to. Anyone watching or looking at ads here would think that instead of almost 9 out of 10 people being Caucasians/White that it was the opposite. This is illegal positive discrimination and a clear breach of the 2010 Equalities Act which makes it illegal to engage in positive discrimination. The TBG has, of course, made a formal complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority, whose answer was that the new ads were “artistic”. Step forward someone who will fund a court case against this bogus ‘Standards’ agency and the corporate betrayals of our people.
We are seeking to expand/open up our TBG regional pages on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user and have time to spare, maybe you could help with the management of these pages and thus gain a wider readership. Please contact us: [email protected]
Our Assistant Treasurer, Richard Curry, wishes to point out that the person of the same name on is not him.
We also seek one or two new committee members. If interested, contact us. If you'd like to contribute to our mission in any other way or would like to see particular people address us, also please let us know.
The TBG Committee wishes to once again thank all of those who are members for continuing to maintain your membership. Your support is vital to us. Please remember to visit our Metapedia page, our website, where we now have an archive, as well as our Facebook pages. The TBG online:
Our three main pages on Facebook: