Maximus workers handle the phone lines for Medicare and the Affordable Care Act. They’re going on strike today for livable wages and paid sick leave for all. Sign the petition and support their fight!
I stand with Maximus workers. #MaximusStrike

Hi John,


Maximus workers are on strike right now. They’re demanding livable wages, paid leave for all and better working conditions. If you support their fight, sign the petition to Maximus management.

Maximus workers handle all the 1-800 calls for Medicare and the Affordable Care Act.


They’ve been trying to form a union for years. However, Maximus has launched an anti-union campaign to interfere with their right to organize.


So the workers are going on strike today, the anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act. This is the first strike ever of federally contracted call center workers.


So if you support striking Maximus workers, sign the petition.


In Solidarity,




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