Indivisible SF Newsletter
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Indivisible SF
We are united in supporting Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s invasion and the Biden administration’s sanctions on Putin’s government and his oligarchs, including banning Russian oil imports. We know President Biden and our MoCs need to rein in inflation, but we urge them not to give in to Republican "energy independence" dogma calling for increased drilling, revoking health and environmental regulations, selling off federal leases for pennies on the dollar, giving Big Oil tax breaks and subsidies, and abandoning the Democratic priority of true energy independence through sustainable, renewable green energy. 

We applaud the Biden administration’s bold action in getting our allies to join the US in releasing 60 million barrels from their strategic oil reserves. Unfortunately, gas prices at the pump continue to rise because consumer prices are based on Wall Street’s interests, not purely supply and demand. Even though Republicans in Congress condemn Biden for thwarting US energy production, they know that domestic oil production has actually been higher under Biden than under Trump, and that oil companies are holding out for more subsidies and fewer regulations before they develop the 9,000+ drilling permits they already have. 

Republicans want President Biden to use his powers under the Defense Production Act to ramp up domestic oil production even more, which would let the wealthy oil companies take advantage of a bad situation to increase their profits. But we want him to use those powers to help US consumers, with an Executive Order for gas suppliers to “combat and prohibit hoarding and price gouging with respect to those resources,” just as the Trump administration stated in Executive Order 13910 on August 2, 2020, regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic.

We also stand with the hundreds of environmental groups calling upon President Biden to use the Defense Production Act to increase the production of renewable energy and accelerate our economy’s transition away from fossil fuels.

Tell President Biden: take executive action to stop Big Oil price gouging!


Defending Judge Jackson from the Bullies Across the Aisle 

Senate Democrats have expedited the confirmations of President Biden’s nominees to the federal judiciary, with 42 district and court of appeals confirmations in his first year. Because his nominees have striking demographic and vocational diversity, we now have more judges who will represent all of us as we strive to create a more just, pluralistic, multiracial democracy.

President Biden’s first Supreme Court nominee continues the Democratic aspiration of making sure all Americans are represented throughout our government. DC Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is an outstanding nominee who deserves the Senate’s full support.

Senate Republicans, or perhaps more accurately the Bullies Across the Aisle, have been shamelessly distorting her record to justify their partisan opposition to this excellent nominee. It is inspiring to see Democratic senators defending this historic nominee’s impeccable qualifications. We are glad their defense has also included calling out Republicans’ lies. Judge Jackson deserves a fair confirmation based on truth.

Tell Our Senators: Continue giving Judge Jackson your full support. Keep defending this nominee, and the truth, against Republican attacks.

Updated: Ways to help Ukraine

Putin’s attack has now forced a horrifying 10 million Ukrainians from their homes — 3.5 million who have fled to other countries, and an estimated 6.5 million who are displaced within Ukraine. It’s a massive humanitarian disaster that’s only growing as reports trickle out of Russian troops terrorizing villages, taking civilians hostage, and arresting or executing them. Ukraine needs our help in every respect: humanitarian aid, military assistance, and governmental support.

With so much need, even the smallest donation can make a difference. Here’s our current list of organizations we think are worth your support:

Razom For Ukraine (Donate): 501(c)(3) general humanitarian support for Ukraine
Libereco Partnership for Human Rights (Donate): reputable European organization with partners in Ukraine, providing general humanitarian support
Ukrainian-American Coordinating Council (Donate): 501(c)(3) American coalition that is buying supplies and aid for refugees, civilians, and defenders in Ukraine. 
Direct Bank Transfer to the National Bank of Ukraine to support Ukrainian armed forces
USA for UNHCR: the UN Refugee Agency (Donate)
Meduza: Independent journalism based in Latvia. Now that there is no free press in Russia, Meduza is one of the few remaining ways to reach ordinary Russians and dispel Putin propaganda.
Kyiv Independent: Local journalism in Ukraine (Patreon/GoFundMe)
Doctors Without Borders: Field medical aid (Donate)
The Voices of Children Foundation: Ukrainian NGO that aids children traumatized by war (Donate)

Order more free COVID-19 test kits

The Biden Administration is offering a second round of four free COVID-19 tests through the USPS. If you haven’t ordered yours already, do it now! And if you haven’t claimed your first free set of home tests, you can place two orders.
If you’re interested in participating in activities like drafting letters to our Members of Congress and developing our strategy for influencing them, the Indivisible SF Federal Working Group is where it happens. Join us at our next meeting on Thursday, March 24. Details on how to register below.

ISF Federal Working Group meeting: Thursday, March 24, 7:30–9 PM. Register here to join our regular Zoom meeting, where we work together to develop strategies for influencing our Members of Congress and the Biden administration to support a progressive agenda. All are welcome to participate and contribute, even if you’ve never attended an ISF meeting before.

About this week’s photo

If you’ve seen our newsletter posts on Twitter and Facebook, you might have noticed that we include a photo or graphic with each issue.  Today’s image is a photo of US Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson arriving at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, by Doug Mills for Getty Images.

Keep Fighting,

The Indivisible SF Team
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