Background on survey finding that Americans want more deportations of illegal
Pew Research: 6-in-11 Americans Want More Deportations of Illegal Aliens
Source: Breitbart
A majority of Americans say they want to see more deportations of illegal aliens and increased security along the United States-Mexico border, a new survey finds. Nearly 70 percent of all Americans believe increased security at the porous U.S.-Mexico border is very or somewhat important.
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Background Notes from Judicial Watch
MIT-Yale Study Finds 22.1 Million Illegal Immigrants in U.S.
Source: Judicial Watch
The number of illegal immigrants in the United States is nearly double the current and widely reported estimate of 11.3 million, according to a new academic study that uses a more precise method.
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Illegal Aliens Released from Local Custody Commit More Crimes
Source: Judicial Watch
Chris Crane, a veteran ICE agent who serves as president of the union that represents some 7,600 officers, reminds that this is only a tiny snippet of a national public safety crisis because the agency doesn’t have the manpower to track everyone released. “If I was working in a sanctuary city, my released criminal aliens that would reoffend would be more than five a year,” Crane said.
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A Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes
Source: Judicial Watch
In just a few days, an illegal immigrant who had been deported eleven times attacked his wife with a chainsaw in front of their children, another got charged with a series of violent rapes and dozens were arrested for operating a major human and drug smuggling enterprise in a major U.S. city.
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