March and April are busy months for Advocates for Youth, so I wanted to draw your attention to two actions you may have missed. Signups for both are open now but will close soon.⬇️

📞 youth4equalityact national call-in day: It's clear that LGBTQ youth are under attack at the state level. And in more than half of states, it's still legal to openly discriminate against someone for being who they are or loving who they love. That even includes federally funded services like homeless shelters (yes, they can legally turn someone away even though 40% of LGBTQ youth experience homelessness). This is an OUTRAGE and the Equality Act would finally do something about it.
The problem: While the Equality Act has passed the House, and President Biden said in his State of the Union that he would sign it, the U.S. Senate won't act.
What can you do: Join young people across the country in calling their Senators this Thursday during our National Youth Call-In Day. RSVP here, and send this link to anyone you know ages 14-24.

💊 Put birth control pills directly on the shelves at your student store or local pharmacy. Okay fine, you can't actually do that, but the #FreeThePill campaign is trying to make it a reality, and we have a fun action for you to help.
Sign up here to get fake birth control packs, stickers, and other campaign material for our action. The goal is to rally support for bringing birth control pills over-the-counter so you no longer need to get a prescription first. If successful, you'd be able to pick up birth control wherever you can get condoms or Plan B — no extra hoops to jump through like a doctor's visit.
Feel free to send all of these opportunities to friends! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to this email.
Thank you so much,
Geoff Corey
Senior Manager, Digital Campaign Strategy
Advocates for Youth