Hello Friends,


We're continuing to share the news on our plans and target states for 2022. New York is the next state on our priority list. 

When you are barely getting by, it’s nearly impossible to scrape the money together for the necessities, much less one of the most expensive IDs in the country.

Reduced fee IDs are available- if you are over the age of 62 and receive SSI benefits or are already a recipient of public benefits, or if you are unhoused and already on public benefits- which you can’t get on without an ID. That leaves out a lot of people.

One of the biggest groups left out? You guessed it- VETERANS.  That’s why we’re fighting for free IDs for Vets in New York. They served our country. Isn’t it time we serve them?

To achieve our goals, we need your help. Please Give monthly.  When you become a monthly patron, you get access to all of our news and members-only content. Invest $35/month and you'll start receiving exclusive swag after 3 months. 

Thanks for making a difference with us, 

Kat, Marissa, and Jen


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