After two nights of watching the democrat presidential candidates in Miami, one thing is clear: the stakes couldn’t be higher.
These are just some of the proposals that we heard:
Decriminalize crossing the border so that no criminal penalties could be imposed on people who enter our country without the legal right to do so.
Mandate government run healthcare and take away all choice by completely eliminating the private insurance market (Remember “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”? They’re not even pretending anymore.)
Require taxpayers to pay for illegal immigrants’ healthcare. Can you believe all 10 candidates on Thursday supported this?
- Increase taxes as high as 70%!
If, like us, you find these ideas antithetical to our American way of life, then we need your help to respond ASAP. The truth is that the Democrats have more money and more free air time from MSNBC and CNN to spread their socialist message.
That’s why we’ve put together an emergency rapid response fund to get our message out. We just need everyone on this email to donate $25, and we will be able to fully fund our conservative response. Will you help?