LOCATION CHANGE: OCPAC MOVED TO OKLAHOMA HISTORY CENTER!!! Published Monday, March 22, 2022 This Wednesday at NOON Oklahoma History Center WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON Oklahoma History Center SENATE PRO TEM GREG TREAT AUTHOR SB 1647 Greg Treat, the Senate Pro Tem, has authored legislation meant to re-connect parents with their educational tax money. Funds that the state of Oklahoma takes from us for the stated purpose of educating our children will, thanks to SB 1647, be returned to those from whom it was taken: the children. If this legislation is signed into law, the era of citizens seeing their tax dollars force-funneled strictly into government-run educational institutions will end and we will return economic and educational authority to the parent. Hear Senator Treat this Wednesday at OCPAC's weekly luncheon! 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi, OKC, OK 73105 _________________________ ALSO THIS WEDNESDAY: QUESTIONS FOR STATE AUDITOR & INSPECTOR CYNDY BYRD DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AGENCY FRAUD FORMER CFO OF OKLAHOMA HEALTH DEPARTMENT UNVEILS FISCAL MALFEASANCE BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS MIKE ROMERO From inside Oklahoma's Department of Health, OCPAC has managed to secure, for the first time publicly, its former Chief Financial Officer who made the agency insiders squirm. Highly successful attorney and CPA, Mike Romero, will connect the dots which connect former Attorney General, Mike Hunter, former State Auditor & Inspector (SAI) Gary Jones, and current SAI Cindy Byrd, with the long history of fiscal irresponsibility at the State Department of Health (OSDH). Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi, OKC, OK 73105 SEE YOU AT THE WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON! _____________________ MEETING LOCATION Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi, OKC, OK 73105 WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students 21-years old and under. _______________ OCPAC SOCIAL MEDIA OCPAC LINKS OCPAC Twitter OCPAC Instagram OCPAC Facebook Page OCPAC Facebook Group Table of Contents BOB LINN A Return to Our Lockean Foundations STATE-WIDE SCHOOL BOARD ENDORSEMENTS April 5, 2022 election OKHPR Emergency Phone Calls Needed DR. ROBERT REYNOLDS Candidate for the O.U. Board of Regents TWO WEEKS AGO Dr. James Lindsay | Dr. Charles Pincourt __________ RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Renew Today OCPAC WAR CHEST Keep us Growing for the Future Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 Sign up here. BOB LINN A Return to Our Lockean Foundations We would not have our declaration of Independence nor our U.S. Constitution in their present forms without the life and writings of John Locke. On March 7, 1792, Locke wrote in a letter to Edward Clarke of Chipley that education of children lies in the domain of the parent. Of the importance of this family duty, he adds that “the welfare and prosperity of the nation depends on it.” Senator Greg Treat has initiated legislation which, if passed, will return education to the family as Locke recommended. The Senator’s initiative to restore the family’s access to their hard-earned educational resources is the beginning of a cultural transformation in the state of Oklahoma. Greg Treat, the Senate Pro Tem, has authored legislation meant to give parents control over the educational tax money for each of their children. Funds that the state of Oklahoma takes from us for the stated purpose of educating our children will, thanks to SB 1647, be returned to those from whom it was taken: the parents on behalf of their children. If this legislation is signed into law, the era of citizens seeing their tax dollars force-funneled strictly into government-run educational institutions will end and we will return economic and educational authority to the parent. When the government controls our educational tax dollars, children from low-income families become trapped in the many triple-F-rated schools. These are children are in desperate need of education, but it is being denied because a failed system has a strangle-hold on the family’s educational dollars. There is much more. Sexual perversion is being taught in our rural schools. Just ask Oklahoma’s Secretary of Education, Ryan Walters, who has received reports from rural schools all over the state. No parent should be told that his child’s educational dollars will be spent to fund the institutions who tolerate academia that is not just F-rated but X-rated as well. This week, in addition to Senator Treat, we will host Mike Romero, the former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Oklahoma State Health Department (OSDH). Mike, an attorney and CPA, discovered fiscal malfeasance in the department during his tenure there as CFO. His discoveries led to a Grand Jury investigation. Regrettably, the Attorney General at the time was Mike Hunter, who we later discovered was “in a relationship” with the head of the OSDH. Thus, the Grand Jury needs to be re-convened. More than that, the fiscal issues which have plagued the department have been passed over for years by former State Auditor & Inspector (SAI) Gary Jones and his successor, Cindy Byrd. Mike Romero has not spoken publicly about these issues before. Hear him open the closet doors of the OSDH to the public for the first time on Wednesday. __________ Your Opportunities to Right the Ship: Call, text, and email your Senator and tell him you support SB1647 Ask your friends state-wide to do the same. Contact a school board candidate: Help knock doors | Make phone calls Contribute to their campaign war chest. Help the Ryan Walters Campaign for State Superintendent Contact your Senator and ask them to recommend to Governor Stitt the appointment of Dr. Robert Reynolds to the O.U. board of Regents. I'll see you this Wednesday! SENATE PRO TEM GREG TREAT FORMER CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Oklahoma State Department of Health MIKE ROMERO 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Oklahoma History Center 800 Nazih Zuhdi, OKC, OK 73105 God bless! OKHPR Emergency Calls Needed Aside from Senate Bill 1647, there is a need to call for: HB 3878 | SB 1128 | SB 765 FIND OUT MORE HERE SCHOOL BOARD ENDORSEMENTS OCPAC | OKHPR | OK2A FIND LIST OF ENDORSEMENTS LIST Both OCPAC and OK2A have also interviewed a number of these candidates. OKHPR has also done extensive interviews. Further, OKHPR has provided us with the state-wide slate of candidates they have interviewed and placed them nicely in a list. Find the list here. OCPAC has placed more than $15,000 in some of these races. Find one of these candidates to support. Knock doors | Make phone calls Help fund their campaigns. DR. ROBERT REYNOLDS for O.U. Board of Regents The doctrine of DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION has penetrated deep into the University of Oklahoma's administration. Each of these three words have been newly defined by cultural Marxist’s to promote their egalitarian platform. No one is better prepared than Dr. Robert Reynolds to join two of OCPAC's favorites, Governor Frank Keating, and Rick Nagel as an O.U. Regent. Dr. Reynolds will bring to the university depth of knowledge regarding the Marxist elements in Critical Race Theory. Find Dr. Reynolds here. LAST WEEK DR. JAMES LINDSAY While in the Senate chambers, we could not resist taking turns setting on the mechanical horse of Senator Blake Stephens! Dr. James Lindsay was fabulous in his presentation at OCPAC's Wednesday luncheon. He also was also very effective in private meetings with state leaders. Those who represent the Marxist ideology of DEI in our university's administration are furthering the mission of America's enemies. The purpose of DEI is to destroy Christianity and American society. _____________ BUY RACE MARXISM HERE A must-read for every Oklahoma leader. ______________ Our cameras were mistakenly focused on the screen, so you won't get much video of Dr. Lindsay, but you will hear him. AT THE 1 Hour 15 MINUTE MARK: Watch Dr. Lindsay at OCPAC on Rumble here Watch Dr. Lindsay at OCPAC on Facebook here _____________ DR. CHARLES PINCOURT Dr. Charles Pincourt stayed out of our video range to maintian his anonymity. He is a tenured professor at a major university who would have to endure administrative punishment were they to discover he advocated for the ideals of Western Civilization. BUY HIS COUNTER WOKECRAFT HERE AT THE 1 Hour 50 MINUTE MARK: Hear at OCPAC on Rumble here Hear Charles at OCPAC on Facebook here TIME TO RENEW OCPAC MEMBERSHIPS If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew. Not already a member? Join the fight! Sign up here! Renew your membership here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. KEEP US GROWING FOR THE FUTURE 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 OCPAC | P.O. Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083 Unsubscribe xxxxxx@gmail.com Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by contact@ocpac.us powered by Try email marketing for free today!