Hi John,

Yesterday far right thug Tommy Robinson (a.k.a Stephen Lennon) yet again failed to turn up to a court hearing where he was due to be questioned on his finances after losing a libel case to Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi. 

Robinson will now be sent to the High Court for possible Contempt of Court. If found guilty, he is likely to be sent to prison. This is a HUGE victory, made possible by the HOPE not hate community who supported our investigation into Robinson’s sham bankruptcy.

Robinson missed the hearing where Jamal’s lawyers were planning to quiz him, under oath, about his bankruptcy and ability to pay his debts which are now estimated at over £2 million.

The fact that Tommy Robinson has chosen to risk going to prison for contempt of court rather than take the opportunity to answer questions about his assets is incredibly revealing. In addition to possibly being sent to prison for contempt, Lennon could also be facing tens of thousands in additional legal costs.

We believe Robinson has assets of £3-4 million, and we have been working hard for months to uncover them. Our new blog reveals yet another property linked to him, which is worth around £800,000

But let’s not forget that this case isn’t just about money - it’s about justice. Robinson put Jamal and his family through a living hell, making them fear for their lives. And this is just one example of the hate Robinson spreads: more recently he’s joined the far right anti-Muslim political party For Britain, as well as spreading misinformation on Russia's war in Ukraine

We’re another step closer to Robinson being held to account for his actions. Robinson was forced to choose between lying in court or non-attendance, with all the consequences that would entail. 

None of this would have been possible without the long term support of HOPE not hate members who chip in small, monthly donations to fund our work. Can you join them? 

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Thank you for everything you do,


Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate