Elect Georgia Democrats

Rush a donation to boost Democratic turnout >>


Nate Silver’s 538 reports that Republicans just TOOK THE LEAD in the Georgia Senate Race.

NEW POLL: Warnock 48 / Walker 49

EVEN WORSE: Donald Trump is fundraising millions for his far-right candidates and holding a rally in Georgia this SATURDAY.

Donald Trump at a rally

WE’RE COUNTING ON YOU: Chip in now to keep Georgia blue >>

HOWEVER, There is some good news:

  1. Election experts predict that we still have just enough time to fuel Warnock’s comeback.
  2. We’re turbocharging our voter turnout programs in Georgia.
  3. And Stacey Abrams and Senator Ossoff just commanded Democrats to STEP UP!

Stacey Abrams: Working together, we can achieve victory. again. // Ossoff: Yes we can.

We need to hit our $50,000 end-of-week fundraising deadline, we’ll have the funds to unleash an unstoppable campaign in Georgia! CHIP IN NOW!! >>

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We’re heartbroken: So many Democrats have stopped donating since the last election.

That’s why Republicans are winning now. Democrats are letting them get away with restrictive voting laws.

CNN: Georgia removes over 100,000 names from voter registration rolls.

We cannot afford to get discouraged. We have the power to stop their momentum and out-organize voter suppression, but only if we have the funds to win!

If you care at all about the future of our Democratic movement, YOU MUST CHIP IN to save Georgia >>

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This is not a time to stand on the sidelines!


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

Chip in now to elect Democrats

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This year is critical for our democracy. To stop a full-on Republican assualt, we must hold our House majority, save our Senate majority and take back control of state houses to ensure our nation represents the voices of all.

Remember: a single Senate seat or just a handful of House seats could decide the remaining years of Biden's presidency and the progressive agenda we fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

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