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Dear NCRC members and allies,

The Just Economy Conference will be back and bigger than ever in 2020, and we’re thrilled to announce that award-winning investigative journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones will be joining us on stage as a keynote speaker.

A Peabody award winner, MacArthur “genius” fellow, and New York Times staff writer, Hannah-Jones’s was the creator of the New York Times Magazine's’ landmark 1619 Project published earlier this year, which commemorated the 400th year of slavery in the U.S.

Her reporting on school resegregation and the decades-long failure of the federal government to enforce the 1968 Fair Housing Act cemented her place as a leading voice on the systemic racial inequities in education and housing in the U.S.

We expect the conference to sell out, and we want you there.


Register now for early bird pricing

The Just Economy Conference is the leading national conference for economic and social justice. It's April 27 - 29, 2020, in Washington, D.C.

Don’t miss your chance to join activists, elected officials, policymakers, community leaders, civil rights groups, faith-based organizations and economic and social justice advocates from across the nation. 
Register now

Early bird pricing won't last long, so register now and we’ll see you in April!

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