
The Democrats have been lying to the American people, and we have to keep calling them out. 

The Left expects Americans to believe COVID-19 ended just in time for Biden’s state of the union, their support for the defund-the-police movement did no harm, and their reckless spending has not led to one of the worst inflation crises in American history. Liberals gaslight us every day.
America is sick and tired of hearing the half-truths, misinformation, and downright lies of the Radical Left. They tell us they are fighting for our nation - yet their policies have destroyed the American energy sector, undermined American freedoms, obliterated border security, and allowed inflation to soar to record heights.

The Democrats have put our nation in this mess, and they won’t be the ones who get us out. We can only count on hard-working Republicans, like Beth, who have been fighting for our America First values the entire time!
The Left believes they can ignore the damage they have done and pretend like nothing ever happened. It’s up to us to show them, America remembers. Will you pitch in and support Beth’s fight to expose the Left for their lies?

For the Truth, 
Team Van Duyne