![]() Patriot, On Joe Biden’s order, the Fed is scrambling to implement a “digital currency” scheme where the government would have total surveillance and control over how you spend your money – and Congress has taken no action to stop them yet. But there is a bill – H.R. 6415 – that would make it illegal for the Fed to create a digital currency. We must demand our representatives in Congress co-sponsor the bill and go on record in support of this vital legislation. See the letter from Campaign for Liberty’s John McCardell below for more information, and take a moment to sign the petition to your representative in Congress to co-sponsor and support H.R. 6415. With a strong push out of the gate, we can build the momentum for this bill, and stop the Fed’s heinous power grab for the last of our financial privacy. And after you sign, be sure to forward this on to spread the word, and if you can, chip in what you can to support Campaign for Liberty’s continued work to stop these statist power grabs. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul ![]() Patriot, For years, Dr. Paul and Campaign for Liberty have warned you about the dangers of a “cashless” society. We sounded the alarm several years ago when the Federal Reserve started talking about a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Now, the Biden regime has ordered the Federal Reserve to accelerate its plans to implement a “digital dollar” that would give the federal government total control over your money. The Deep State would know where every dollar you earn came from and where every dollar you spend goes. And it would only be a matter of time before they decide what you’re allowed to buy and if you’re allowed to buy anything at all. The globalists are panicking. Their lies are unraveling, the economy is spiraling out of control, and Americans are demanding our liberties back. That’s why they’re so desperate to control every aspect of your life, from your health decisions to what information you’re allowed to share on social media. And control over your money is the ultimate power grab. But I do have some good news to report. H.R. 6415 was recently introduced in Congress, and it would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency. This legislation is not only vital to protecting your financial privacy: It’s an opportunity to put your representative on record, right now, by demanding he or she cosponsor the bill and support its passage. Campaign for Liberty is leading the effort to defend the financial privacy of Americans by calling on Congress to support and pass H.R. 6415. Just by contacting your representative in Congress, you can demand they go on record defending your financial privacy and security as a cosponsor of H.R. 6415. Many lawmakers will – if only their constituents call upon them to do so. And those who fail to cosponsor can and will be held accountable during the upcoming elections. That’s why it’s so vital you sign your Campaign for Liberty Directive to your representative in Congress to support H.R. 6415. Sign your Campaign for Liberty Directive to Demand Your Congressman Cosponsor H.R. 6415 and support its passage! ![]() Whether your representative becomes a cosponsor or fails to do so will be a critical litmus test to tell which lawmakers will defend this fundamental right to financial privacy and which are on the side of the Federal Reserve financial takeover. And with election season heating up in the coming months, it’s urgent we get them on record as soon as possible. Every member of Congress needs to hear from We the People on this issue. They need to know how critical this issue is to constituents like you. As a famous senator once said, “When I feel the heat, I see the light.” Sign your Campaign for Liberty Directive to Demand Your Congressman Cosponsor H.R. 6415 and support its passage! It only takes a moment, and we deliver your petitions for you. Once you’ve signed, be sure to pass this email along to others you know, so we can deliver thousands of petitions, rack up as many cosponsors as possible, and get the ball rolling on this critical legislation. And if you can, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty, so we can apply as much pressure as possible. The globalists are going all-out to control everything we do. We’ve seen in Canada how the government will use every means possible, including financial control, to attack peaceful protesters. We’ve seen China establish a “digital currency” to further repress and control its own population under the Communist Party. We cannot let that happen here. In 2020, a Washington, D.C. Swamp lobbying front called the “Digital Dollar Project” demanded and got hearings in both houses of Congress. They need to hear from their constituents back home – you! – to know the voters are demanding action in opposition. Sign the Petition Demanding YOUR Congressman cosponsor and support H.R. 6415 and get your friends to do the same! For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a major battle, and it’s one that we can win if we can build the momentum by achieving a growing list of cosponsors. But that will only happen with you making your voice heard. So don’t wait – take just 30 seconds and sign the Petition Demanding YOUR Congressman cosponsor and support H.R. 6415 and get your friends to do the same! And then, if you can, please support Campaign for Liberty financially to help raise awareness and increase the pressure on this issue. Whether you can give $100, $200, even $500 today, or if you can only chip in $25 or even $10, every bit makes the difference. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and
defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy,
by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
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