With dollar bills in a background photo, someone enters credit card information on their laptop.

Give now to STOP sex buyer demand!

Dear Friend,

Did you know that victims of prostitution and sex trafficking are arrested more often than the perpetrators?

The simple truth is, when we put an end to the demand for sex services and hardcore pornography, the business of sexual exploitation will be shut down for good. No buyers. No business.

It really is that simple...

As long as we keep in mind that so much works against our efforts to end sexual exploitation and trafficking. Toothless laws, lax enforcement, and, worst of all, active opposition by powerful business interests like Twitter, Google, and OnlyFans that have a multi-billion-dollar stake in maintaining the status quo.

We ARE making headway in the battle, of course. And your financial partnership is a big part of the reason why. But progress is slow and  often discouraging.

Still, our failure as a society to combat sex buying all but guarantees that exploitation will not only continue — but also that more children, women, and men will be victims...

Please give now to stop buyer demand for commercial sex!

Your gift right now: MATCHED!

$15,000 Matching Grant deals a double blow in the fight against buyer demand.

Here are just two examples of how your gift will help right now:

FIRST, we’ve been working with four legislatures and two city councils that were actually considering fully decriminalizing sex buying, pimping, and brothel-keeping. Their “thinking”? That making it easier for people  to buy and sell human beings would lead to less harm and abuse. (Logic we just can't follow.)

SECOND, this year, we’re launching a training program for law enforcement and prosecutors to help them more effectively target sex  buyers by teaching them the tactics used successfully in other areas of the country.

That’s on top of ongoing and highly effective tactics that are already reducing the demand for sex buying, including:

  • Encouraging law enforcement to implement stings and anti-demand strategies, like income-based fines
  • Creating public awareness and education initiatives that expose the terrible, destructive impact of sex buying
  • Supporting survivors of sex trafficking as they seek to escape the sex trade

Give now to take advantage of the $15,000 Matching Grant!

Until recently, the focus of society’s battle against prostitution and sexual exploitation has been to arrest the victims rather than their perpetrators. But the research proves: more arrests, fines, jail time, and sex offender registries deter sex buyers.

Every day, sex trafficked children, women, and men are treated as commodities — bought and sold as part of a massive, worldwide business enterprise that has no regard for human dignity, human rights, or even human life.

When you give now, you support a nationwide effort to stop buyer  demand for commercial sex! 

Thank you for giving generously.



National Center on Sexual Exploitation
1201 F St NW Suite 200 | Washington, District of Columbia 20004
202-393-7245 | 
[email protected]

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