Thank you for joining Jay's campaign and being part of our movement to defeat climate change! This week is a critical one for our campaign, with the first DNC debate and our end-of-quarter deadline coming up. So we hope you'll step up right away and make a donation to our campaign ([link removed]
). But if you no longer want to be part of this campaign, just let us know now ([link removed]).
Last night's debate was so exciting -- and proof of just how important it is that Jay keeps making it to the DNC debate stages.
No one else has made defeating climate change their top priority. And no one else has outlined a vision on how we confront this crisis, which affects all the other issues we care about -- from our economy, to national security, to health care, to immigration, and beyond. Last night made it clear: Jay is the only one with the vision of how to tackle this crisis.
Now Jay needs your help to keep climate change on the debate stage -- and if you and everyone who hasn't donate yet gave just $1, we'd hit our end-of-quarter 15,000 donation goal by midnight. We need you to step up right now -- donate today.
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We've got to seize this momentum -- future generations need us.
Tracy Newman
Senior Advisor
Inslee for America
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