Ground Game Texas


For more than a year, thousands of Texas National Guardsmen have been deployed to the southern border for a political stunt orchestrated by Greg Abbott.

Guardsmen have complained about terrible sleeping conditions, delayed pay, and lack of a clear objective in their mission. Even worse, last week we found out that guardsmen were told to patrol outside private ranches of GOP megadonors, more than 80 miles away from the border.

Greg Abbott has abused his office for too long. That’s why we’re organizing across the state to register voters and mobilize them to vote in the November election. Can you chip in to help us unseat Greg Abbott and the lawmakers that protect him?

>> Help us unseat Greg Abbott <<

Friend, Texas can’t afford four more years of Greg Abbott. His deployment of the Texas National Guard is nothing more than a stunt to help him stay in the governor’s mansion. 

While Abbott continues to spread lies about immigrants, senior officers have complained that his deployment is disorganized and pointless. Rather than focusing on fixing our state’s broken power grid or improving our education system, Greg Abbott has spent billions of taxpayer money to use our guardsmen as pawns in his political game.

Our organizers are spread out across Texas working to register new voters and mobilize them behind progressive policies. With your help, we can kick Greg Abbott out of the governor’s mansion. Can you chip in to support our work?

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas