We’ll cut to the chase, John -- we’re emailing to ask you to add your name to our urgent petition demanding Senate Republicans repeal the GOP tax cuts on the ultra-wealthy. Sign here:

Sign the petition

Here’s why: Large companies have saved over $100 billion on their taxes, but much of corporate America "has not made good on its promised investment surge from President Trump's 2017 tax cuts."

In fact, many of America’s largest companies like FedEx have been able to effectively reduce their tax rate to a big fat ZERO thanks to the tax cuts rushed through by Trump and McConnell two years ago.

Meanwhile, tens of millions of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck while the rich get richer and richer thanks to the GOP.

We got screwed, John! Sign our petition if you agree: we must repeal the Trump-McConnell tax scam and instead pass legislation to reduce taxes on middle class families.

Sign the petition

One final truth: one of the reasons that Mitch McConnell is able to raise a reported $200 million to stop us from flipping the Senate is because of scams like this one, John.

Washington under McConnell’s reign is fundamentally broken. They cut taxes on their wealthiest donors -- and in return, they use a fraction of the savings to fuel super PACs and dark money groups to attack us.

It’s not right -- and we have to do everything we can to repeal these tax cuts and take back the Senate in 2020.

One final ask -- will you add your name to our petition demanding Congress repeal the unnecessary and harmful GOP tax cuts? Middle class Americans deserve tax relief, not the ultra-wealthy!

Sign the petition

Thanks for taking action today.

— Flip the Senate