Dear John
Now that spring’s finally sprung, bees are busy building their homes and stocking up on food supplies – ready for a fresh start as the days get longer.
But it seems like every season brings a new challenge to bees’ survival. Despite promises to halt species loss, the UK government has allowed the temporary use of a harmful banned pesticide – against its scientific advisers’ advice. It could have disastrous effects on bees’ ability to forage and navigate.
There are no two ways about it – bees are in trouble. But you can help. Donate today for a Bee Saver Kit and we’ll send you everything you need to start doing your bit for bees this spring. Plus, your donation will help us continue campaigning to restore and protect nature.
Make a donation in the name of the bees and you’ll get a kit delivered straight to your doorstep. Your Bee Saver Kit includes:
- Wildflower Seeds – to help provide vital food and habitat.
- Bee Saver Guide – with tips including how to build a bee hotel.
- Bee Spotter Guide – to identify bees when they visit your flowers.
- Garden Planner – to help you plan a bee-friendly green space.
- Bee Postcard – to send to your loved ones.
- Bee Saver Kit folder – to store your bee-saving materials in one place.
Even if it’s just a small patch of green space, you can still provide nectar, pollen and shelter for bees and other vital pollinators. You’d be surprised at how much you can grow in a window box.
Your donation today will help Friends of the Earth continue its important work, including protecting the bees.
Thank you so much,
Paul De Zylva
Bee Saver*, Friends of the Earth
PS. Get your Bee Saver Kit in time for spring sowing and planting and help create a brighter future for bees.
* I designed and led Friends of the Earth’s The Bee Cause campaign. I’m also on the government's pollinator advisory board – where I make sure that the National Pollinator Strategy is being implemented to properly protect pollinators.