From Senate Conservatives <[email protected]>
Subject Primary Importance
Date March 22, 2022 1:01 PM
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Conservatives must act now to help nominate the right candidates.
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Senate Conservatives Fund

Americans know the country is on the wrong track with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer in charge. That's why Republicans are positioned to win House and Senate majorities in November.

But what kind of Republican majorities?

Will they be driven by the spineless, feckless Republicans of the past or by principled conservatives determined to save our country?

Conservatives across the nation need to take action right now to support the most principled Senate candidates. ([link removed])

Using the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), you can donate to multiple Senate candidates with one transaction. SCF will pay all processing fees so the candidates can spend 100% of your contributions on voter contact.

Please don't delay.

We know a tidal wave election is coming, but we can't allow that wave to wash more RINOs into Washington, DC. We must nominate strong conservatives in the primaries that begin soon.

Thank you for considering this request and for doing so much to help fight for America's future.

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

Primary: May 3, 2022
Josh Mandel
Josh Mandel is running to replace retiring Ohio Senator Rob Portman. Josh served eight years in the Marine Corps Reserves, three years as a city councilman, four years as a state legislator, and two terms as Ohio’s state treasurer. As a city councilman in his hometown of Lyndhurst, Mandel led the fight for the first property tax rollback in the city’s history. In the state legislature, he took on the teacher’s unions to expand school choice for special-needs children. And as state treasurer, he cut spending and made Ohio’s government more transparent.

In every new job, Mandel has fought for American principles and values, even when it meant standing up to leaders in his party like RINO former Governor John Kasich. Josh began this race as the front runner, which placed a big target on his back. Washington insiders and Wall Street billionaires have both recruited candidates to stop Josh. In this red state in the 2022 cycle, the Republican primary is the election, and SCF is committed to helping Josh beat back his establishment opponents.
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Primary: May 17, 2022
Ted Budd
Ted Budd is a conservative with the courage to stand strong for what’s right — no matter how powerful the opposition. Currently serving North Carolina’s 13th congressional district in the House of Representatives, Ted has earned recognition for his resolute stand against wasteful federal spending. The Council for Citizens against Government Waste named Ted a Taxpayer Hero for his “relentless and unwavering support of the fiscal interests of American taxpayers.”

As a business owner, Ted knows that fiscal responsibility leads to economic growth, and his stellar voting record in Congress backs that up. Every day, Ted puts his private sector experience to work for taxpayers, whether it be voting for middle-class tax cuts or working to deregulate small businesses that are strangled by big government. Over the past year, Ted has been fighting Joe Biden’s open borders lawlessness and inflationary spending.
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Primary: May 17, 2022
Rand Paul
Ever since Dr. Rand Paul first got to Washington, he has been one of the strongest and most consistent voices for individual liberty and constitutional government. His steadfast leadership on issues from the budget to human life to national defense made him the conscience of a Republican Party too often more attentive to lobbyists and polls than principle.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck, however, Paul’s importance to the Senate – and to our country – has only risen. For two years, he has held D.C. public health “experts” to account – for their mistakes, for their lies, for their conflicts of interest. When the liberal media was celebrating Anthony Fauci, Paul was grilling him about his ties to coronavirus research in Wuhan, China. He has been silenced by YouTube for telling the truth about mask mandates and has asked all the right questions about natural immunity for survivors of the virus.

Paul understood immediately that the Left would try to use the Covid crisis as an opportunity to seize more power, and no one has done more to stop them.
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Primary: May 24, 2022
Mo Brooks
Mo Brooks is currently serving Alabama’s 5th congressional district, the Tennessee Valley of North Alabama. He is in a tight race with a career Washington insider to fill the seat of retiring Senator Richard Shelby. Since his election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, he has been fighting Democrats and Establishment Republicans to balance the federal budget, end illegal immigration, support our troops and deter our enemies, and for economic reforms to raise working American families’ wages.

Mo Brooks was a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus and a fearless champion of President Trump’s agenda in Congress. That’s why, in addition to SCF, President Trump has also endorsed him in this crucial red-state showdown against the Swamp.
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Primary: June 14, 2022
Adam Laxalt
Adam Laxalt of Nevada became the youngest state Attorney General in the country when he took office in 2015. Prior to his public service, Laxalt served as a Navy JAG lawyer, assisting with the detention and prosecution of thousands of war criminals and terrorists.

Laxalt is running in 2022 to help save our country. He is opposed to the business-as-usual debt limit increases, earmarks, and Washington’s corrupt economy of crony capitalism. He is a powerful advocate for election integrity, term limits, and school choice. He is running to take on current Senator Catherine Cortez Mastro in a race that is anticipated to be one of the most competitive of 2022. Laxalt has been endorsed by President Trump and conservative leaders Ron DeSantis, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, and Ted Cruz.
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Primary: June 28, 2022
Mike Lee
Mike Lee is one of the most principled conservatives to ever serve in the United States Senate. Since his upset victory over incumbent Republican Sen. Bob Bennett in 2010, Lee has put the Constitution and conservative values at the front of every debate. In his first term, he was instrumental in developing the “Cut, Cap, and Balance” budget plan that led to the largest federal budget cuts in history.

During President Trump’s first term, Lee was a leader on the Senate Judiciary Committee, shepherding hundreds of Trump-nominated judges through the confirmation process. He defended Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett from the media’s smear machine. Lee, whom many consider a front runner for a future Supreme Court slot himself, is the Senate’s leading constitutional expert. As chairman of the conservative Steering Committee, he is in the middle of every single fight in the Senate – whether against the Democrats or wavering Republican leaders.
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Primary: June 28, 2022
Ron Johnson
In 2020, Ron Johnson saw up close in Wisconsin what Democrats did in our elections, and he has been fighting ever since. A stalwart conservative across the board – on social issues, economic issues, and foreign policy – Johnson has become one of the leading voices for election integrity in Washington.

Johnson has led the fight against the Democrats’ unconstitutional federal takeover of America’s elections, and he has worked in Washington and Wisconsin to reclaim Americans’ voting booths from the woke, socialists activists who seized control of them under the guise of Covid precautions. Johnson has also done heroic work in exposing the medical cartel's immoral opposition to safe and effective early treatments for the Covid-19 virus.

Prior to his service in the Senate, Johnson was a successful entrepreneur – a perspective he brings to his leadership on fiscal and budget issues. In his role as Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Johnson led countless investigations into the Obama Administration, the Deep State, and Washington corruption.
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Senate Conservatives Fund
Senate Conservatives Fund
300 Independence Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

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Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. SCF was founded by former Senator Jim DeMint to help the grassroots change Washington.

Contributions to the Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.
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