When you renew your gift:
You are helping to build a world where everyone can meet basic needs. In New Mexico and Guatemala, we’re helping farmers grow sustainable practices—and markets. In Somalia, we’re helping young people access vocational training. Your gift makes programs like these possible – and helps us advocate for public investment in dignified housing, education, health care, climate change mitigation, and more.
You are helping to build a future where migrants and refugees are treated with dignity and respect. In countries around the world, people fleeing violence and poverty face harsh treatment. That includes the U.S., which wastes more than $23 billion every year jailing and deporting immigrants. Your gift helps us provide legal assistance, monitor conditions in detention centers, and support migrant and immigrant-led advocacy for humane and systemic change.
You are helping to build community safety beyond prisons and policing. Taxpayers in the U.S. spend about $80 billion to imprison people—and another $123 billion on policing. But prisons and policing don’t keep us safe. Even with the world’s highest incarcerations rates, we still have high rates of gun violence and other crimes. Your gift helps us advocate for community-based approaches that work better to create accountability, facilitate healing, and prevent harm.
You are helping to build conditions for a world at peace. Peace and security can never be achieved through violence. Yet, this year, Congress is poised to spend over $768 billion on weapons and war. With your support, AFSC is making a different kind of investment. We’re helping communities impacted by war access trauma healing in South Sudan. And that’s just one of dozens of community partnerships your gift makes possible around the globe.
I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to have a global community of supporters by our side. I hope you will join AFSC in our work for peace and justice by donating today!
In peace,