Egypt erects sand barriers as rising sea swallows the Nile Delta

COP27 host hopes low-cost sand dikes can help hold back the Mediterranean Sea and protect the homes and incomes of people in the country's breadbasket

Ukraine crisis forces world to confront its oil and gas addiction

Spiking fossil fuel prices amid the Russia-Ukraine war, make switching to clean energy and using less energy even more urgent - but the transition must be fair, researchers say

Disney CEO forms task force, promises listening tour in response to LGBTQ+ concerns

Disney employees are calling on company to protect LGBTQ+ rights in wake of Florida's legislation that limits classroom discussion of sexuality and gender identity

World Athletics president Coe says state of women's sports is 'fragile'

After Lia Thomas became the first transgender NCAA champion, Sebastian Coe calls for "getting it right" when it comes to rules for trans female athletes

Texas court reinstates injunction blocking probes of transgender kids' parents

The Texas Third Court of Appeals ruling reinstates a temporary injunction that blocks the state from investigating the parents of trans teenagers


OPINION: The world needs a new water agenda

As climate change boosts risks, water insecurity is growing – and needs a plan

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