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Is official Washington flirting with world war?

By Ted Galen Carpenter on Mar 22, 2022 03:01 am

So far the White House is resisting direct US involvement in Ukraine. But plans to bolster weapons and assistance may have consequences.
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Numbers don’t lie: more Saudi attacks on Yemen came after new US support

By Annelle Sheline on Mar 21, 2022 09:00 am

It's been seven years, but the Biden administration seems less likely than ever to follow through with its pledge to help end the war.
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India’s parlays with Russia point to middle power pushback on Ukraine

By Sarang Shidore on Mar 18, 2022 12:00 pm

If Washington is wise, it won't punish its friends for acting in their own interests.
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Iraq War Lesson: the seduction may be sweet but the hangover is hell

By Peter Van Buren on Mar 18, 2022 03:28 am

As with Iraq, there seems to be a coordinated mainstream media effort to drag America into a new war. Don't let them.
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Ukraine has already won the war

By Anatol Lieven on Mar 18, 2022 03:00 am

It is no exaggeration to say that through his own hubris, Putin has created a united Ukrainian nation. Not quite what he was aiming for.
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Symposium: From Iraq to Ukraine, has the media learned its lesson?

By Responsible Statecraft on Mar 17, 2022 03:14 am

For the 19th anniversary of the Baghdad invasion, over a dozen journalists and critics compare coverage then, and today.
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The Russians probably aren’t too worried about the F-35 fighter

By Dan Grazier on Mar 16, 2022 03:00 am

Biden ordered the warplanes to Europe, but a peek at hidden performance tests show they're not ready for any real combat.
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