It’s past time to actively engage with and learn from these voters.
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Women of Color: A Collective Powerhouse in the U.S. Electorate
By Danyelle Solomon and Connor Maxwell
Protesters hold signs, including one that says 'Women Matter. Women Vote.'
Today, the United State is home to nearly 37 million women of color who are also citizens of voting age. And each day, that number grows, suggesting that these voters will play a critical role in upcoming elections.

This report describes current demographic trends for women of color in the electorate; summarizes these voters' responses to important political and policy questions; and offers policy recommendations on what we can do to ensure that women of color can participate fully in future elections. Where possible, this report also seeks to highlight the ongoing work of leaders in the field.

It's past time to actively engage with and learn from these voters—history demonstrates that American democracy is stronger and healthier when women of color are front and center.
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