Morningside Center
Dear Morningside Center friends,

In this issue you'll find a new lesson on toxic masculinity and the Sandy Hook lawsuit as well as other new classroom activities on issues in the news. Plus, as always, some good stuff to read.

And please note: our AFT webinar on culturally-affirming SEL is happening TOMORROW. There's still time to register.
March 22 AFT Webinar
Culturally-Affirming SEL Wheel: Turning Toward Equity
Join us for a workshop on culturally affirming social and emotional learning at the 2022 AFT/Share My Lesson virtual conference! We'll engage in interactive exercises to demonstrate how anti-racist educators can create spaces where all identities - particularly those historically marginalized - are supported and affirmed. Participants will engage in strategies centered on culture to address the social and emotional competencies and skills required for people to be seen, voices to be heard, and experiences to be acknowledged. Tuesday, March 22 at 2pm. Register now!

Can't make it live? Register anyway, and watch on-demand later!
New Lessons & Activities
Students discuss the historic Sandy Hook Families vs. Remington Arms lawsuit and its argument that the company marketed violence to vulnerable young men.
Students reflect on global headlines about the invasion and the response to it, hear and discuss the voices of Ukrainians, and share their thoughts and feelings about the ongoing war.
Judge Jackson may become the first Black woman on the Supreme Court. Students explore the confirmation process, Jackson's background, and diversity on the court.
What We're Reading
"Covid-19 was an exceptional burden on the mental well-being of our nation’s families, including kids,” concludes a new federal report. By Evie Blad at Education Week 

Middle and high school students love interacting with social media, but how can they know if what they’re seeing and sharing is accurate?
By Amie Weinberg at Edutopia
“I get angry about things, then go on and work.”
-Toni Morrison
Morningside Center
for Teaching Social Responsibility