Your voice made a difference
Your voice made a difference
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Last week, more than 160 advocates, including more people living with cystic fibrosis than ever before, raised their collective voices to advocate for the CF community during the Foundation's 15th annual March on the Hill. In addition, more than 1,400 community members reinforced their message by participating in the fourth annual Online Day of Action.
Advocates held nearly 200 virtual meetings with Congressional offices and sent more than 4,500 messages to their lawmakers urging them to co-sponsor the PASTEUR Act, an important step in fostering the development of new antibiotics and promoting appropriate use of existing ones.
Your personal stories around the human impact of antibiotic-resistant infections is the core of our work, not just last week, but every day. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective, using your voice to stand up for the CF community. You make a difference every day you advocate.
Until CF stands for Cure Found,
Mary Dwight
Senior Vice President and Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer
  We will not rest until we find a cure  
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