This past Saturday, March 19th Sacramento DSA hosted its monthly General Membership Meeting where we discussed an endorsement request from Alana Matthews who is a candidate running for Sacramento District Attorney. During that meeting, after a close initial vote on the endorsement, over two-thirds of the participants in attendance voted to extend voting until Friday, March 25th to provide all members more time to review endorsement materials.
Attached below you will find Matthews' endorsement questionnaire as well as a link to her candidate forum hosted last Friday, March 18th.
You can find the link to view the candidate forum here.
You can access a written transcript of the forum here.
You can find the link to the candidate endorsement questionnaire here.
Additionally, voting on this endorsement is open to all members in good-standing who will be receiving a separate voting link through their email. Please monitor your email inbox to find this link. Voting on this endorsement will remain open until Friday, March 25th at 11:59 PM.
If you are a member in good-standing and do not receive a voting link in your email by the end of the day on Monday, March 21st please reach out to [email protected].
*Note: please vote using the Opavote link even if you previously voted during the general membership meeting on Saturday, March 19th because we have moved to tabulating votes to an online format.
Thank you,
The Sacramento DSA Executive Board